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Signal Processing



The State-Space Systems Package (SSPACK) is an interactive softwarepackage for the analysis, design, and display of model-based signalprocessors. The package contains algorithms for multichannel simulation,estimation, and identification that have been integrated into an easy-to-use package for both serious and casual users. It is useful for avariety of applications in signal processing, estimation, and control.SSPACK enables the user to quickly access state-space algorithms andanalyze their performance. A preprocessor, designed to simplify modelspecifications, allows even complex systems to easily be defined andprocessed. SSPACK enables easy interfacing to state-space algorithms withdisplay and analysis capability.SSPACK is capable of linear and nonlinear deterministic or stochastic(Gauss-Markov) simulation with associated statistics and confidencelimits, linear state estimation (U-D Kalman filter), nonlinear stateestimation (U-D extended Kalman filter), linear identification (leastsquares), nonlinear identification (U-D extended Kalman filter), andcontinuous-to-discrete model conversion. Source code is included.

Language: FORTRAN-77, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: FPP (recommended)
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

PO Box 2525
Livermore, CA 94551
Phone: (510) 443-7213
Fax: (510) 743-1145